IOPE Genius
We discover super plants with powerful survival energy and research ways to effectively deliver their effects to your skin in the safest way possible. Our group consists of plant experts who research the condition and effects of plants and skin experts so that these ingredients can be effectively delivered to our skin.

Plant expert
Our plant experts research plants that have evolved after having overcome their environment over a long period of time and continuously discover super plants with outstanding effects on our skin.

Skin expert
Our skin experts research the most effective ways to deliver the powerful survival energy of super plants to our skin in order the propose the most optimal solutions.
Skin expert

Yong-Jin Kim
Researches plant conditions and plant extraction methods

Mi-Suk Yang
Researches plant conditions and plant extraction methods

Nok-Hyeon Park
Verifies the effects of plant materials

Hyeon-Seo Kang
Researches plant conditions and plant physiology

Seong-Ah Cho
Researches skin effects and skin theories

Ji-Hyeon Kim
Researches skin effects and skin theories

Hae-Gwang Lee
Researches skin effects and skin theories

Byeong-Ryeol Baek
Researches skin effects and skincare formulas

Chun-Bok Chung
Research skin effects and makeup formulas

Eun-Bi Ko
Researches skin effects and skin measurements